Effectiveness of Kinesio Taping on hypertrophic scars, keloids and scar contractures
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Faculty of Medical Sciences, The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce, Poland
Physiotherapy Unit, Provincial Specialist Children’s Hospital in Kielce, Poland
University Clinic of Children’s Medicine and Youth, Vienna, Austria
Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Vitasport Center Rehabilitative–Sport, Żory, Poland
Submission date: 2011-11-06
Acceptance date: 2012-02-02
Publication date: 2020-04-10
Corresponding author
Justyna Karwacińska   

Faculty of Medical Sciences, The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce, IX Wieków Kielc 19, 25-317 Kielce, Poland. Tel.: +4866 35 30 57.
Pol. Ann. Med. 2012;19(1):50-57
Hypertrophic scars, keloids and scar contractures result from abnormalities in collagen degradation and synthesis, consequently leading to its overproduction. Such scars not only pose an esthetic problem, but also contribute to functional disorders in the organism.

This work aimed at presenting the effectiveness of Kinesio Tapes applications in managing scars and keloids as evaluated by patients themselves or carers of children who had undergone such treatment.

Material and methods:
Research was conducted at the Provincial Specialist Children’s Hospital in Kielce. The study group comprised 54 children, aged 2–18 years old (average age 6.7 years) with hypertrophic scars, keloids and contracture scars. The first stage of the research involved measuring the scars with a digital caliper and applying Kinesio Tape according to the assumed research methodology. In order to assess patients’/carers’ subjective evaluations of Kinesio Taping effectiveness a questionnaire form devised by the authors was used.

Results and discussion:
In the study group, 37 patients declared that the application of Kinesio Tapes improved the cosmetic outcome and perception of the scar after 3 weeks; 10 patients who had undergone treatment observed such changes after 6 weeks; 5 patients indicated positive results after 9 weeks, and 2 patients after 12 weeks.

On the basis of the questionnaire results, personal observations and taken measurements, it can be concluded that the application of Kinesio Tapes is effective for hypertrophic scars, keloids and contracture scars.
None declared.
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