Evaluation of dentinal tubules of dentin of the roots of necrotic teeth by means of scanning electron microscope
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Chair and Department of Oral Surgery, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Department of Chromatographic Methods, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland
Submission date: 2016-07-08
Acceptance date: 2016-11-16
Online publication date: 2016-12-07
Publication date: 2019-12-15
Corresponding author
Joanna Jakiel   

Chair and Department of Oral Surgery, Medical University of Lublin, Karmelicka 7, 20-081 Lublin, Poland. Tel.: +48 604 113 [1TD$DIF]793; fax: +48 815 287 951.
Pol. Ann. Med. 2017;24(1):36-42
Dentin is porous due to existence of tubules, containing cell knobs and nerve fibers. It forms integral part of the tooth.

The aim of the study was measurement of the width of dentinal tubules of the roots of necrotic teeth with chronic periapical inflammation after endodontic treatment as well as differences related to age and gender.

Material and methods:
The study comprised 53 teeth (30 molars, 23 premolars) extracted at the Oral Surgery Department, Medical University of Lublin.The teeth were divided into two groups: 40 teeth extracted because of periapical lesions, 15 of which had been treated endodontically before, and the control group of 13 healthy teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons. Scanning electron microscope was used to evaluate the construction of dentinal tubules. The diameter of dentinal tubules was measured close to the cementum and near the dentinocemental junction.

Results and discussion:
The study demonstrated larger diameter of dentinal tubules in necrotic teeth roots compared to the width of tubules of vital teeth. In the control group the mean tubule diameter near the cement was 1.38 µm, and nearby the root canal 3.10 µm. In the group of devitalised teeth the average diameter measured in the same position amounted to 3.68 µm and 4.89 µm.

The width of dentinal tubules of necrotic teeth was significantly higher compared to the teeth with vital pulp. Endodontic treatment does not change the width of dentinal tubules. The width of dentinal tubules does not depend on age and gender.
None declared.
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