Impact of magnetostimulation on nerve and muscle electrical excitability in patients with increased muscle tone
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First Chair of Rehabilitation, Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, Medical University of Łódź, Poland
Submission date: 2011-05-17
Acceptance date: 2012-01-03
Publication date: 2020-04-10
Corresponding author
Jolanta Krukowska
Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, Medical University Łodź, pl. Hallera 1, 90-647 Łódź, Poland. Tel.: +48 42 639 30 59.
Pol. Ann. Med. 2012;19(1):15-20
Increased muscle tension and the shortening of the trapezius muscle are the two most characteristic symptoms of the static–dynamic balance disorder in the muscular system. An abnormal muscle tone is a local reaction, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the disorder, or it may be a generalized reaction of the body associated with the additional psychic burden on the patient. Magnetostimulation, along with magnetotherapy, due to their physical and biophysical mechanisms of interaction are the basic kinds of weak magnetic fields used in the treatment of individuals with increased muscle tone – increased stabilization of the membrane polarization in nerve and muscle cells reduces increased muscle tension and pain.
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of magnetostimulation on changes in the excitability of nerves and muscles after a single and repeated exposure to a magnetic field.
Material and methods:
The study group comprised 34 patients divided into two subgroups: group I – 22 patients who were treated with magnetostimulation, and group II (control) – 12 subjects exposed to the so-called sham field. All patients underwent nerve and muscle excitability examinations (rheobase and chronaxie calculation), and the severity of spasticity was evaluated in each case according to the Ashworth scale.
Results and discussion:
In patients with increased muscle tone with magnetostimulation treatment reduction of nerve–muscle excitability in the rheobase and chronaxie study has been shown. Changes in rheobase and chronaxie took on different values.
Magnetostimulation contributes significantly to reducing the excitability of nerves and muscles in patients with increased muscle tone. Magnetostimulation exhibits the greatest therapeutic efficacy after the first application of the magnetic field. A magnetic field providing magnetic stimulation can be used as an adjuvant therapy in patients with increased muscle tone.
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