Stand-alone XLIF: 22 consecutive patients with degenerative scoliosis and foraminal stenosis in a 2-year follow-up
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Sector for Spine Surgery and Research, Middelfart Hospital, Denmark
Submission date: 2014-09-02
Acceptance date: 2015-03-09
Online publication date: 2015-04-20
Publication date: 2020-03-24
Corresponding author
Emil Jesper Hansen   

Sector for Spine Surgery and Research, Middelfart Hospital, Østre Hougvej 55, Middelfart 5500, Denmark. Tel.: +45 22 13 67 20; fax: +45 63 48 42 81.
Pol. Ann. Med. 2015;22(1):1-4
Adult thoracolumbar degeneration is an increasing challenge in the aging population. With age the progressive degeneration of the discs leads to an asymmetric collapse and a thoracolumbar coronal plane deformity, a degenerative scoliosis (DS).

To evaluate the complication rate and clinical/radiological results in 22 patients treated with XLIF procedure for DS or degenerative disc disease (DDD).

Material and methods:
22 consecutive patients with DS underwent surgery with the XLIF stand-alone procedure, with follow-up of 24 months. Clinical outcome scores were collected. Complications were recorded.

Results and discussion:
22 patients, mean age of 65 years (48–81), underwent surgery on 49 levels (1–4) between L1 and L5. VAS for leg pain improved from 5.94 to 3.5 (P < 0.05) and back pain from 5.91 to 3.7 (P < 0.05). EQ 5D-3L improved from 0.29 to 0.62 (P < 0.05). Seven patients (31.8%) underwent revision surgery. Fusion was achieved in 53% (25/49) at 1-year follow-up. Anterior thigh pain was reported in 12 patients postoperatively, and in 2 patients at 1-year follow-up.

The XLIF stand-alone procedure improves clinical outcome scores significantly after 1- and 2-year follow-up, with a 31.8% revision rate. Due to the high revision rate we recommend supplementary posterior instrumentation, to achieve a higher fusion rate. When considering XLIF-stand-alone procedure for DS or DDD without supplemental posterior instrumentation, only single-level disease should be advised, taking sagittal parameters into account.
None declared.
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