The effect of comprehensive rehabilitation on correcting muscle imbalance in rural children from the Warmia and Mazury region
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Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Center of Rehabilitation, University Hospital with Outpatient Clinic in Olsztyn, Poland
Submission date: 2011-07-20
Acceptance date: 2012-01-28
Publication date: 2020-04-10
Corresponding author
Teresa Wiśniewska   

Center of Rehabilitation, University of Warmia and Mazury Hospital, Warszawska 30, 10-082 Olsztyn, Poland. Tel.: +4889 519 48 44; fax: +4889 519 48 44.
Pol. Ann. Med. 2012;19(1):27-31
A complex problem concerning the disability of rural children stems from the specificity of a rural environment. Such an environment frequently serves as the source of negative stimuli, thus leading to muscle imbalances in children. Negative stimuli affecting personality, that children are exposed to sometimes for years, result in a local strain in a child’s young organism, and then, commonly, in motor system dysfunctions. In this connection, muscle imbalance develops; whereas muscle balance conditions a correct body posture and appropriate functioning.

The aim of this study was to discover the sources of negative influences affecting a rural child’s development and to design effective preventive measures. Consequently, the intended objective of the designed program was to provide professional rehabilitation for the largest number of children and youth having motor system dysfunctions as well as emotional disorders. Another goal of this program was to determine the effect of comprehensive rehabilitation on correcting muscle imbalance in rural children.

Material and methods:
This study comprised 50 children (30 girls and 20 boys) participating in a rehabilitation course designed for rural children as a three-week program. Children were examined by employing a specially devised chart of examinations and procedures in order to analyze and evaluate their functional problems in detail.

Results and discussion:
A comprehensive rehabilitation program implemented by a team of therapists was in many cases beneficial with respect to rehabilitation outcomes: the restoration of muscle balance generated a decrease in or disappearance of the functional problem. Such improvement mostly involved children diagnosed with a shortened lower extremity, kyphosis (round back), winged scapula, or a low-grade functional scoliosis.

Examination results indicate that comprehensive therapy is required. Combining physical rehabilitation with psychotherapy eliminates the sources of negative stimuli that lead to the appearance of or to the increase in the motor system dysfunction. A child’s conscious involvement in the therapeutic process and work performed in the framework of autotherapy are also very important.
None declared.
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