The immediate effect of temporary silicone splint application on symmetry of masticatory muscle activity evaluated using surface electromyography
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Department of Functional Masticatory Disorders, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Chair and Department of Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Balneotherapy, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Department of Pathology and Rehabilitation of Speech, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Submission date: 2016-02-17
Acceptance date: 2016-11-10
Online publication date: 2017-02-09
Publication date: 2019-12-15
Corresponding author
Michał Ginszt   

Nadbystrzycka 14a, 20-618 Lublin, Poland. Tel.: +48 602 533 723.
Pol. Ann. Med. 2017;24(1):19-23
Muscle activity is regarded as an important factor associated with the temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Detecting muscle imbalance is an essential part of a treatment strategy.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of temporary silicon splint application on the symmetry of masticatory muscle activities during clenching using surface electromyography.

Material and methods:
Thirty-five full dentate, normo-occlusion and similarly aged (25.1 ± 2.3 years old) female subjects were recruited. The electrical activity of the temporalis anterior (TA) and masseter muscle (MM) of the right and left side was recorded simultaneously during clenching isometric activity. The eight-channel electromyograph BioEMG III, compatible with BioPAK Measurement System, was used for the recording. To describe the asymmetry of the TA, MM muscles and TA–MM asymmetry for right and left side, a symmetry index (SI) was calculated.

Results and discussion:
Mean SI of MM was significantly higher during splint application measurement (SAM), in comparison to non-splint measurement (NSM) (NSM: 67.28 ± 19.63%; SAM: 78.26 ± 17.68%; mean difference: 10.97%; P < 0.05).

Application of temporary silicon splint reduces double-sided imbalance of MMs during clenching. The mechanism of action of silicone splints may be partly explained by their effect on masticatory muscles activity. Chair-side fabricated silicone splint may be used as a cost-effective, simple method for initial treatment of TMD. The influence of temporary silicon splint application on long-term effects of treatment requires further research.
The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement of the product by the authors or the journal.
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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